Calling all (unlisted) Cubs Bloggers
Saturday, October 9, 2004
If your blog is not listed, please email or leave a comment on this post so I can add you to my list.
Sometimes, the creativity is gone. In fact, at writer's block is more the rule than the exception... so a good number of my posts are dry, lacking wit, and include some form of a chart.
The Writer's Block isn't the problem, its that this week has left me too tired to even crank out a dry numbers analysis... so I have been working behind the scenes.
New features: The page template has been redesigned to be more friendly for small monitors. Our 800 x 600 market segment was getting their content squeezed between navigation bars at left, and 'sell-out' advertising on the right (which is paying server fees... not buying me Pizza). Hopefully, the new design will ensure the small screened / low resolution cubdom fans get a fair shot at reading the content. (The drawback being the funky off-center heading at top.)
Of real importance however, is that I have spent several hours updating my "Cubs Blog Army" listing... mainly scouring the similar lists on other pages. I think I have the most comprehensive list out there, but I want everyone who wants a link to get a link (exception: those foul mouthed Cubs blogs). So, if you have a blog, or know of a blog not on the list, please submit it so I can add it to the list... email ( or comment on this message.
Similarly, I found a few new blogs that I had not previously seen... that appear to update regularly:
Anyhow, check these guys out if you have never seen them.
Posted by Byron at October 9, 2004 4:59 AM
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