Opening Night
Monday, April 4, 2005
How good did that feel to watch meaningful baseball again? This has been one of the longest off-season's in recent memory... and even if opening night treated us to the awful Joe Morgan & Jon Miller botch job... this game counted. The Yankees stomped the Red Sox, which was only fair after all the hours of Red Sox lovin on ESPN this afternoon.
Of note, Alex Sanchez, centerfielder for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays has made a little history. Suspended, 10 days for violating Major League Baseball's substance abuse program (a.k.a. Steroids). When I saw this announcement on the tele this afternoon, my jaw dropped. I guess I didn't expect that anybody would actually be named under this new policy. Seeing is believing. I also wondered if there was a false positive involved. Sanchez doesn't seem to be suspect #1 when Byron Poirot goes out to investigate. Then again, its not like I'm an expert (I initially thought Alex Sanchez was the D-Rays SS).
Anyhow, it will be interesting to watch this steroid stuff playout over the next ten days. It will be interesting to see how an appeal will be handled, and whether Mr. Sanchez has a job when he returns... or if his teammates will welcome him back. Potentially unchartered waters.
The Cubs? Oh yeah! They play in a hair under 15 hours. I'm hoping I'll be able to see some of it before Tuesday, but not likely. Unfortunately, school is acting up during opening week... but I have tools this year: A DVR (basically Tivo), and MLB Extra Innings, plus Dish Network finally got around to picking up Comcast Sports Chicago. I think this will have me covered for all of the Cubs games this year, save the ones on WCIU.
Finally, as Jason Dubois' most vocal fan, I am super-thrilled to see that he has made the roster. However, if he doesn't get some serious playing time... well, you'll hear from me.
Go Cubs, This is the year: AC000000.
Posted by Byron at April 4, 2005 1:27 AM
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Since Dubois made it, I wouldn't worry about his playing time anymore. He will get as much as he deserves, so let's hope he gets hot and stays hot.
Not to be pessimistic, but wasn't that the line on Choi too? And he certainly didn't get the PT he earned.
Are you happy that Dubois made it?
It doesn't mean he'll play, but it's a start. I think Hendry made a mistake when he sent Mitre back to Iowa.