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Cubs Season Tickets Waitlist UpdateThursday, April 1, 2010If you're on the Cubs Season Ticket waitlist, you probably received an email this morning from the Cubs with good news. According to the email, the Cubs offered 2,600 new season tickets this year, so we can expect our waitlist numbers to decrease by that many. Additionally, the email indicated our wait list number would be updated soon. If you're a super-diligent reader of this blog, you may recall that I periodically update readers on my season ticket waiting list progress. (e.g. Here.) Well, here's another update. If you're a season ticket holder, please feel free to add your info in the comments. Date I joined the Cubs Season Ticket Waitlist: October 3, 2006. I believe my initial position was 15,029. In total, I've moved up 172 spots in 4 offseasons, so it looks like the Cubs' non-renewal rate is about 43 season tickets/year. If you take a one-time 2,600 jump, I'd be at 12,257. At the current non-renewal rate, my lucky number should come up in 285 years. Now, I'm no statistics whiz, but the odds of me living another 285 years are a little bit less than the Cubs chances of winning a World Series in the next 285 years. What number are you on the list, do you think you'll ever get to have Cubs season tickets? UPDATE: February 1, 2012 I checked again today (Feb 1, 2012) prompted by an email asking me to update my contact information - which was at least five years out of date - can't wait to start getting junk mail from the Cubs - maybe I'll get Darwin Barney to sign it. Anyhow, I'm now at 7,449 - so it sounds like I moved up another 3,000 spots. If recent history is any suggestion, I'll get a chance to buy some season tickets probably by the end of the decade - but I suspect Theo Epstein will put a winner on the field before I get a chance to get non-bleacher season tickets. Posted by Byron at April 1, 2010 12:33 PM
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I tried to start getting on the wait list today. "Your current place on the Wait List is 116,247". Looks like I should have registered when I was 12yo.. maybe I'd have a shot.
I'm very close to getting tickets. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I'll get the call next February. Been on the list for 6 years.
The reason so many tickets moved this past offseason was because of the sale to Ricketts. The Tribune was required to give up their seats. Most of those seats got released to the wait list.
Keep in mind though, thousands of seats did NOT open up. The e-mail states that 2,600 people were "offered" tickets. That means they had to call 2,600 people before they could fill all the seats.
Don't expect to see a large movement like this again. Usually the list crawls, like you have noticed. The biggest jump I ever saw was about 500, and I think that was after the horrendous 2006 season.
Don't give up hope though. There are not 100,000+ serious buyers on that list. If I had to guess, I would say maybe 20,000 are actually serious. You will probably see tickets in your lifetime, just not for a long time.
Good luck, and GO CUBS!
At least you don't have to pay to stay on the wait list. I have a relative in Norway who was on a waitlist for a premium boatslip in Stavanger and I wish I could remember the huge amount he had to pay each year, just to stay in line!d23waz
I don't remember the year but I think it was 2000 or 2001, I walked up to the box office in Jan/Feb and inquired about season tickets. I was looking for a partial package. On the spot they offered me 3 or 4 locations to choose from in the Double Play Plan (18-25 games/year). When I saw the offer for the season ticket reservations in the Terrace Boxes right behind the plate, Row 2, the choice was obvious. Very happy with the seats, not so happy with the results this year (nor in the most recent playoffs). I guess you just had to beat the bandwagon. Good thing I bought "way back when". I don't imagine I'll have as much time left to wait for season tickets as you should have.
I joined the Cubs season ticket wait list in '03 or '04. Checked my status every couple years -- moved up at a crawl. Didn't expect to get a chance for a decade or longer. Then in late March this year I got the call from the Cubs. My ticket agent even used internet search methods to track me down since all my contact info had changed. I am now a season ticket holder with 2 seats. There were only 14 seats left when I pulled the trigger.
I can't go to 81 games a year, so I'm looking for partners for next year. Face value tickets. If you're interested you can reach me at sinkscubstix@yahoo.com
Go Cubs!
So you're at 12,232 now?
You're going to get tickets a lot sooner than I had anticipated. Maybe within the next several years. A lot of people seem to be canceling this year.
The Cubs sent out an email recently asking me to rank my seating preferences. They are offering some terrace reserved, upper deck box and bleachers. I should hear something in the next month. I want terrace reserved.
I gotta admit though, if all I get offered is upper deck box and bleachers, I might just pass altogether. $8000+ for 2 tickets is highway robbery. I want Cubs tickets, but not that bad. Those are sucker prices.
I signed up for the waiting list in late 2004 or early 2005. I started at 4,xxx. I got offered seats this week. Got 4 terrace reserved infield. Now I just have to find a way to come up with $10k.
T. Bone, which section/row did you get?
Hey all, I managed to get tickets the last year they offered them when you went to stand in line at Wrigley. I believe that was in 2004. I have the nights and weekends package which is great, but still a lot of games. I sell off a number of games every year, 2 tickets per game and they are face value. Averages about $100 per game for the 2 tickets. I have about 15 games remaining that I am looking to get rid of. If you have any interest, email me.
I also signed up for the waiting list in late 2004 or early 2005. I started at 4. I got offered seats this week. Got 4 terrace reserved infield. Now I just have to find a way to come up with $10k
Yes, the waiting list is huge. It's a long shot, but if you can get a good place on the list and have the cash then you can be a happy camper.
Sounds like the list for the old Bozo's Circus. Come to Miami and sit wherever you want for just about any Marlin game.
This is an awesome blog. You cannot explain how fun it is to see a Cubs game at Wrigley... you have to experience it for yourself!
I put my name on the list in October 2005 and my number at the time was WO7241. In the fall of 2010 there was a message in my Inbox from the Cubs letting me know that I was in! I've got two seats in section 202. I'm hopeful that in the coming years we'll see a great team at Wrigley wearing Cubby Blue.
Cubs could give a sh!t about their season ticket holders, just announced, season ticket holder renewal deadline moved up from early January to November 16th. The fix is in, no big signings this offseason. I joined the list in December 2003, was ~3200 on the list last year, called the Cubs to find out my place and was told they could offer me tickets now. Bought 4 in the bleachers for 16k, fortunately sold most to friends and family lost a total of 600 bucks but if I had to rely on stubhub would have lost at least 50%. The jig is up, Cubs don't sell out anymore and if they dont put a good product on the field, that guy who is 116,247 on the list will be getting a call much faster than he expects.
I have the chance to purchase season tix for the 2012 season. If you are interested in a partial interest package, please let me know.
I also have been offered the chance to buy season tix for 2012.
I am #27 on the waiting list.
If you are interested in season ticket sharing let me know...
I would be interested in splitting tickets with someone.
Anyone interested in a 25% share? I just got season tickets (found out at the last minute and didn't have time to line up partners). Section 222, Row 15 (IF Terrace Reserved). Drop and email to: